Rotator Cuff & Frozen Shoulder
This workshop enhances your understanding of how the rotator cuff muscles limit range-of-motion of the glenohumeral joint and associated trigger point pain patterns one may experience when dysfunction of the shoulder is present.
The rotator cuff muscles — Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis — also known as the “SITS” muscles, stabilize the head of the humerus into the glenoid fossa. The rotator cuff muscles are often involved with sport related repetitive motion injuries and straining from muscle overload. Chronic excess muscle and nerve tension of the Supraspinatus muscle has the ability to compress the subacromial bursa.
Inflammation of the bursa from friction is experienced when tension builds up within the respective muscle belly. It’s a common injury when the tendon, which hides under the acromion process, doesn’t glide smoothly over the bursa.
The Supraspinatus often rides high into the socket causing an impingement syndrome and likely to produce clicking and popping noises upon abduction of the humerus.
The Infraspinatus is the largest of the SITS muscles. The three heads of the Infraspinatus converge on the posterior tubercles of the humerus, severely inhibiting flexion movements when lifting an arm over the head. The Infraspinatus is involved with pain referrals mimicking a dull “throbbing” ache referring into the bicep, triceps and lateral epicondyle of the elbow.
The Teres Minor shares the site of origin with the Infraspinatus on the infra-scapular fossa and has a distinct localized pain at the back of the acromion process. Since they both laterally rotate the humerus, it’s best to treat them as a pair.
The most important and widely overlooked muscle is the Subscapularis. It’s involved in all frozen shoulders and takes mastery to isolate and treat using a non-painful approach. Severe pain is often experienced with lateral rotation of the humerus. Pain generated by the Subscapularis can disrupt normal, everyday activities and can be very hard to find a comfortable sleeping position.
This is a must workshop for all therapists working with C/Ps suffering from chronic and debilitating shoulder syndromes.
There will be No Pain involved during this workshop.
No Pain = More Gain